Chest + Shoulders

Warm-Up: Dumbbell bench press 1×15 (light weight), dumbbell fly 1×15 (light weight), dumbbell side to front raise 1×10 (light weight). Stretch

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3×8 (heavy weight)

Incline Dumbbell Bottom Half Press: 3×15 (15lb less than bench press)
*Superset with
Bent Over Rear Delt Flys: 3×12 (medium weight)

Incline Dumbbell Fly: 3×10 (medium/heavy weight)
Superset with
Seated Dumbbell Side Punches: 3×10 (medium/light weight)

Overhead Plate Walk: 3×20 steps up and back (medium weight)
Superset with
Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise: 3×10 (medium weight)

Push-Ups: 3xFailure
Superset with
Standing Dumbbell Around the Worlds: 3xFailure (light weight)

*Superset: Perform the second exercise immediately after the first without resting in between.

Pin the graphic below for quick reference during workout.

Chest + Shoulder Workout for Women.



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