
Happy day after Christmas! I don’t know about you guys but after everything I ate yesterday, I’m ready to get back in the gym. Good thing today is back day, deadlifts require a lot of energy. This week, we’re going up in weight for deadlifts by 10lb to put those carbs to good use.

IMG_1225.jpgActive Wear Details:
Top: Victoria’s Secret
Leggings: Forever 21
Shoes: Adidas

Warm up: Treadmill for 10 minutes at 2.5mph/5% incline. Stretch

Barbell Deadlifts: 3×6 (10lb heavier than last week), 3×8 (20lb less), 2×8 (20lb less)

One Arm Dumbbell Row: 2×8(medium/heavy weight), 2×8(15lb less)

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 2×8(heavy weight), 2×10(15lb less)

Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down, Moving Slowly Through Reps: 3×15(medium weight)

Seated Row with Parallel Grip Attachment: 3×10(medium weight)

Full Range of Motion Cable Pull Down: 3×10(medium/light)

Stair master for 10 minutes at a moderately fast pace.

I recommend stretching and foam rolling for 10-15 minutes once finished.

Pin the graphic below for quick reference during workout.

Back workout to give you a sculpted and defined back.

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