Legs & Glutes

Warm-up: Treadmill for 10 minutes at 3mph/3% incline. Stretch

*Drop Set on Squat Machine: 3×10 (heavy for the first set, drop 10lb for the second set and another 10lb for the third set)

Barbell Sumo Squats: 3×10 (medium weight)
**Superset with
Dumbbell One Leg Squat: 3×10 (medium weight)

Donkey Kick Machine (or on hands/knees with dumbbell behind knee): 2×10 (medium weight), 2×10 (10lb less)

Ball Roll In: 3×10
Superset with
Burpees: 3×15

Seated Calf Raise: 1×15, 3×10 (medium weight)

I recommend stretching and foam rolling for 10-15 minutes once finished.

*Drop Set: Perform one set then drop the weight and immediately perform the next set without resting in between. Complete one more time for a total of three sets.
**Superset: Perform the second exercise immediately after the first without resting in between.

Pin the graphic below for quick reference during workout.

1.29.18 Legs Glutes

Grocery Haul

Tip of the day: Stock your kitchen with healthy food items so that making healthy choices is easier. If you don’t have unhealthy food to snack on then 1-you won’t be able to eat unhealthy food and 2-the higher the chances that you won’t mindlessly snack.

When you do your grocery shopping, stick to the outside walls of the store aka, produce, meat, dairy and limit what you need in the inner aisles which contain mainly processed food. I find it’s easier to avoid impulse purchases of unhealthy food when I avoid the chip aisle, baking aisle, and ice cream aisle. Out of sight, out of mind!

Pictured Above: Almond milk, sprouted grain bread, eggs, avocado, grape tomatoes, orange, apples, Brussels sprouts, kale, almond butter, bananas, toasted coconut flakes, cubed butternut squash

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